Intellectual Output 3: Sharing good practice on coherence - digital showcase with samples

IO 3: General Information

The objective of IO 3 was to establish at the very beginning of the project a transnational collection of good practice samples of coherence-oriented teacher education in the partner institutions regarding FLTE (foreign language teacher education). The basis for the collection and establishment of existing coherence concepts and learning teacher opportunities, was the theoretical conceptualization of coherence that was agreed on in the work of IO1 (Mapping coherence).

The lead partners of this intellectual output were the University of Zagreb and the University of Freiburg. The University of Zagreb established a working plan on which all the partners agreed on. After that the Zagreb Team provided a questionnaire to all the partners collecting information about the format in which the examples of good practice will be provided, also considering technical issues.

The team from the University of Zagreb provided a digital template of the presentation of existing good practice on coherence, accompanied by a developed supporting document in which relevant information on the example are provided. Based on the template, all the other partners described their examples of existing good practice on coherence in the field of horizontal coherence (i. e. between content knowledge/language practice, pedagogical content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge and/or the so called “university studies – school practice”) or vertical coherence (i. e. during one’s studies, subsequent modules, different phases of teacher education).

All the provided examples are now integrated in the digital showcase established on the project website (see below). Information provided by the project partners in the supporting document for each example can be used inform future users about the content that each example is providing. The examples in the digital showcase provide an insight into different conceptions of coherence in foreign language teacher education at different European universities and allow a further usage of those conceptions and possible adoption into other FLTE contexts.

IO 3: Examples including OER

Partners have provided the following existing examples of good practice on coherence at their Universities:

Subject-specific science in dialogue with subject didactics: Co-taught Tandem Seminars in Freiburg’s M.Ed. Program.
Full title of the example
“Subject-specific science in dialogue with subject didactics: Co-taught Tandem Seminars in Freiburg’s M.Ed. Program”
Co-taught course concept on cultures of remembrance linking Romance literature and cultural studies and the corresponding subject didactics, as well as theory and practice
  1. Reduce structural and perceived discontinuities by integrating perspectives, approaches and content from different domains of professional knowledge in a task-based, practice-related seminar
  2. Reactivate  competences that often have been acquired in an isolated manner during the course of study and to bring them together in an application-oriented format
Short description in English
The Integrated Master’s Seminar: “Subject-specific science in dialogue with subject didactics“ is located in the final phase of the new teacher training Master’s programme in Romance studies (French, Spanish, Italian) at the University of Freiburg. Its aim is to connect the competences previously addressed in different areas of study, which are often acquired discontinuously and perceived as isolated, and to make them productive for practical application. In the case of French and Spanish, the complex topic of literatures and cultures of remembrance is explored in a task-oriented co-taught course held by two lecturers from two different institutions using research literature, but also literary texts and media on cultural memory. The core of the seminar is the self-directed work of the students in project groups developing a dossier that opens up a chosen text from different disciplinary perspectives, integrates them in a mutually productive way and can serve as a basis for application in foreign language classes in secondary schools.
Longer description in the target language
Das “Integrierte Masterseminar zu Fachwissenschaft und Fachdidaktik im Dialog” ist im letzten Semester des lehrerbildenden Masterstudiengangs der romanistischen Lehramtsfächer (Französisch, Spanisch, Italienisch) an der Universität Freiburg angesiedelt und steht im größeren Kontext einer verstärkten Ausrichtung des lehrerbildenden Curriculums auf Köharenz und Professionsbezug. Das Seminar hat zum Ziel, am Ende des Studiums die oft diskontinuierlich erworbenen und als isoliert wahrgenommenen wissenschaftlichen Kompetenzen in verschiedenen Domänen des Studiums aufeinander zu beziehen und für eine Praxisanwendung im schulischen Fremdsprachenunterricht fruchtbar zu machen. Im Fall der Fächer Französisch und Spanisch geschieht dies aktuell am Beispiel der Erinnerungskulturen. Dieses Thema wird in einem aufgabenorientierten Tandemseminar zweier DozentInnen aus zwei unterschiedlichen Institutionen (Universität und Pädagogische Hochschule) anhand theoretischer Arbeiten, aber auch konkreter erinnerungskultureller Texte behandelt. Die Integration der verschiedenen Wissensdomänen erfolgt zunächst durch die dialogische Anlage des Co-Teachings, dann über spezifische Lernaufgaben nach dem 4-Komponenten-Instruktionsdesign-Modell (4C/ID), das auch das praktische Einüben von Lehrmethoden im Seminarkontext selbst umfasst. Kernstück des Kurses ist die selbstständige Projektarbeit der Studierenden in Gruppen, die ein Dossier erarbeiten, das einen gewählten Text aus verschiedenen disziplinären Perspektiven erschließt, diese dabei zusammenführt, weitere ergänzende Materialien bereitstellt und als Grundlage für eine Anwendung im schulischen Fremdsprachenunterricht dienen kann – durch die Studierenden selbst im anschließenden Referendariat oder durch andere bereits im Schuldienst tätige Lehrkräfte, die diese Dossiers zur Verfügung gestellt bekommen.
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Full title of the example

„Getting Acquainted with School – example of coherence in the Subject Teacher Education programme at the University of Helsinki“


Coherence between PK, PCK and school practice

  1. Students study their own teaching subject/other subjects from a didactical point of view
  2. Students familiarize themselves with subject teacher’s task as an educator
  3. Students gain preparedness to study and analyze the teaching-studying- learning process
  4. Students start to develop their own pedagogical thinking
Short description in English

Getting Acquainted with School (GAWS, 1 cr) is connected to Basic Practice but completed in the previous period. GAWS is also connected to the first subject didactics course and taken during it. GAWS includes a 3-day instructed school visit (usually in the University of Helsinki’s Teacher Training Schools) during which Student teachers observe and analyze lessons in different subjects. Students are divided into mixed groups of about 5 students from different subjects. GAWS involves both students’ individual work and group work. Students are given study material and they are expected to share their experiences in groups while carrying out the associated tasks. Each day of the visit has its own theme and related tasks. During each day, there are normally three or four lessons to be observed. The assessment of the course unit is based on the participation of all three days of the school visits and turning in a final essay.

Longer description in the target language

Pakollinen opintojakso Kouluun tutustuminen (1 op) on perusharjoitteluun sisältyvä 3- päiväinen kouluvierailu, joka on tarkoitettu perus- ja lukio-opetukseen suuntautuvan opettajan pedagogisia opintoja suorittavalle opiskelijalle. Opintojakso suoritetaan opettajan pedagogisten opintojen 1. periodissa ennen perusharjoittelun alkamista Ainedidaktiikka I: Opetussuunnitelma ja opetus – opintojakson yhteydessä. Hyväksytty suoritus on edellytys perusharjoitteluun osallistumiselle. Kouluun tutustuminen suoritetaan osallistumalla harjoittelukouluissa (tai kenttäkouluissa) toteutettavaan jaksoon, johon sisältyy oppituntien seuraamista, ryhmätyöskentelyä, erilaisia tehtäviä ja essee. Opiskelijat jaetaan n. 5 hengen ryhmiin, joissa on eri oppiaineiden opettajaopiskelijoita. Opiskelijat seuraavat päivittäin 3-4 oppituntia. Opiskelijat saavat Kouluun tutustumista varten opiskelumateriaalin, joka sisältää opintojakson aikana suoritettavia tehtäviä. Jokaiselle vierailupäivälle on oma teema ja siihen liittyvät tehtävät, joita opiskelijat suorittavat itsenäisesti ja ryhmissä ennen vierailua ja sen aikana. Opintojakson tavoitteena on tutustuttaa opiskelijat koulun käytäntöihin, aineenopettajan työhön ja oman opetettavan aineen didaktisiin käytäntöihin. Jakso valmistaa opiskelijoita myös arvioimaan opetus-opiskelu-oppimisprosessia ja kehittämään omaa pedagogista ajatteluaan, jota opiskelijat harjoittelevat perusharjoittelun kokonaisuuden yhteydessä. Perusharjoittelun suoritettuaan opiskelija osaa tarkastella opetusta, koulua toimintaympäristönä sekä ymmärtää opetuksen ja kasvatuksen arvoperustaa. Kouluun tutustuminen arvioidaan osallistumisen ja raportin perusteella. Raportti arvioidaan asteikolla hyväksytty–hylätty.


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Full title of the example

„Eva Freud – a 20th century destiny. A transversale school collaboration project as example of good practice“


Co-taught course concept on the life of Eva Freud as a starting point for a collaborative writing workshop, linking history, literature and cultural studies and the corresponding subject didactics, as well as theory and practice.

  1. Reduce structural and perceived discontinuities by integrating perspectives, approaches and content from different domains of professional knowledge in a task-based, practice-related seminar
  2. Reactivate  competences that often have been acquired in an isolated manner during the course of study and to bring them together in an application-oriented format
  3. Enhance intercultural awareness and coherent professionalization of the students teachers through a transnational dimension, a task based and project-oriented approach, its transdisciplinary perspective, and its out of school/uni setting.
Short description in English

The Integrated Bachelor’s Seminar: “Eva Freud – a 20th century destiny” ist located in the final year of the binational German-French Teacher education bachelor at the University Côte d’Azur. Its aim is to connect the competences previously addressed in different areas of study, which are often acquired discontinuously and perceived as isolated, and to make them productive for practical application.

In the case of French and Spanish, the complex topic of literatures and cultures of remembrance is explored in a task-oriented co-taught course held by two lecturers from two different institutions using research literature, but also literary texts and media on cultural memory. The core of the seminar is the self-directed work of the students in project groups developing a dossier that opens up a chosen text from different disciplinary perspectives, integrates them in a mutually productive way and can serve as a basis for application in foreign language classes in secondary schools.

The focus of the seminar is on the twofold role of future language teachers as learners and teachers and practices which enable them to explore what they are later expected to adapt and apply in their own teaching – such as working with multimodal, creative tools and collaborative and cooperative teaching methods and settings.

Longer description in the target language

Le cours de licence LLCER est un atelier de lecture et d’écriture avec des élèves de terminale et des étudiants de Licence L3 LLCER. L’objectif et la création d’un spectacle théâtral autour de la correspondance d’Eva Freud, ancienne élève du lycée de jeunes filles de Nice durant la seconde guerre mondiale.

Les élèves seront invités à réfléchir à « l’expression de la sensibilité, à la relation des êtres humains à eux-mêmes et à la question du moi » ainsi qu’à la thématiques « histoire et violence » à travers la lecture et l’étude des lettres échangées entre deux jeunes filles sous l’Occupation Allemande à Nice. Il s’agit également d’introduire certaines notions de philosophie : l’inconscient théorisé par S. Freud, le grand-père d’Eva, la mémoire individuelle et collective, la conscience du tragique, le temps.

Le projet a pour ambition de valoriser l’expression écrite à travers l’écriture de choeurs et de dialogues relatant la vie d’Eva pour le spectacle théâtral et d’initier le groupe au travail de mémoire de la Shoah, conformément au programme d’histoire de terminale, à partir de la mémoire d’un lieu et de ses archives scolaires : le lycée Calmette en tant que lieu de mémoire des enfants des Alpes Maritimes déportés et assassinés dans les camps de mise à mort Nazis parce que nés juifs. Les programmes d’histoire stipulent que « l’élève apprend comment la connaissance du passé est construite à partir de traces, d’archives et de témoignages, et affine ainsi son esprit critique ». Nous rencontrerons la Présidente de l’AMEJDAM, Mme Merowka, qui expliquera aux élèves la démarche de recherche historique pour retrouver les noms des jeunes filles du lycée déportées afin d’apposer la plaque commémorative au lycée Calmette.

Pour les étudiants, l’intérêt pédagogique est de participer à un projet en collaboration avec un établissement scolaire français de façon à vivre une expérience pré-professionnalisante.  Les étudiants ont la possibilité de faire l’expérience de l’approche pédagogie par projet qu’ils devront mettre en place plus tard dans leur propre enseignement et de partager leurs compétences linguistiques, interculturelles et pédagogiques.


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Full title of the example

„Micro-teaching: trying out teaching on campus“


Coherence between PK, PCK and school practice 

  1. Provide student teachers, school teachers and university teachers with insight into micro-teaching as an on-campus activity
  2. Underline observation and peer-feedback as important tools for teachers   
  3. Prepare the grounds for further development of micro-teaching
Short description in English

Micro-teaching is an on-campus activity at the University of Oslo designed to prepare teacher students for their first school practice period. Students try out teaching in small groups.

The activity is instructed by a university teacher or an experienced school teacher. Students take turns: Each students plays the role of a subject teacher for 5-7 minutes while the other students in the group participate as students. The teaching sessions are video-taped and used as the starting point for a group discussion.

Longer description in the target language

Mikroundervisning er en campusaktivitet som finner sted tidlig i studiet, før studentenes første praksisperiode. Formålet med mikroundervisning er å forberede studentene på praksis. Studentene jobber i små grupper under ledelse av en fagdidaktiker eller en erfaren faglærer. Studentene forbereder en time i ett av sine fag, og de spiller ut starten av timen foran sine medstudenter (som for anledninger fungerer som elever). Hver «time» tas opp, og opptakene danner så utgangspunkt for en strukturert tilbakemeldings-runde: Studentene ser på hvert opptak, og de observerer og noterer. Når de har sett på et opptak, gir de hverandre feedback med utgangspunkt i to spørsmål: Hva fungerer bra, og hvorfor – og hva kan endres, og hvordan? Studentene får anledning til å kommentere sin egen «time» før medstudentene og kommer til ordet. Mikroundervisning kombinerer med andre ord to viktige lærerkompetanser: evnen til å observere seg selv og andre – og evnen til å vurdere seg selv og andre som en viktig forutsetning for faglig utvikling.


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Full title of the example

„Research workshop in class teacher education“


Integration of educational science/research methods and empirical data collection during first teaching practice – feedback questionnaire

  1. Students get to know the basics of research, research methods and critical data management in the field of educational sciences 
  2. Students get to know the basics of how to apply research skills to their work as a class teacher (the link of theory and practice)
  3. Students get into a learning process, which leads to understanding the significance of research of educational sciences in teacher’s profession  
Short description in English

“Research workshop” is an obligatory course for class teacher students in their first year of studies. The course consists of lectures, seminars, reading circles and critical information search and it is taught by teacher educators, university researchers, cooperating teachers at the practice school and librarians of the faculty of education. The main task of the course is to plan and conduct a small study during the 1. teaching practice in the practice school. The students also write a report, which follows the official frame of a peer-reviewed empirical article. 

The target of the course is to lead the students into research-based thinking, reflecting, and discussing from the very beginning of their studies and to help them to understand the linkages between science and teacher’s profession. The course is followed by research workshops 2 and 3, which helps the students to deepen their research skills and understanding.  

Longer description in the target language

”Tutkimustyöpaja 1” on luokanopettajakoulutuksen 1. opiskeluvuonna toteutettava pakollinen opintojakso, joka koostuu luennoista, lukupiireistä, seminaareista ja kriittisestä tiedonhausta. Käytännössä opettajaopiskelijat suunnittelevat ja toteuttavat pienen empiirisen tutkimuksen. Aineistonkeruu tapahtuu harjoittelukoulussa ensimmäisen opetusharjoittelun aikana. Opiskelijat kirjoittavat toteuttamastaan tutkimuksesta raportin, joka noudattaa vertaisarvioidun empiirisen artikkelin yleistä rakennetta. Opintojaksoa vetävät yhteistyössä opettajankouluttajat, yliopistotutkijat, harjoittelukoulun ohjaavat opettajat ja kasvatustieteellisen tiedekunnan kirjaston informaatikot.  

Tutkimustyöpajan tavoitteena on tukea luokanopettajaopiskelijan tutkimusperustaisen ajattelun kehittymistä. Tarkoituksena on sosiaalistaa luokanopettajaopiskelijat yliopisto-opiskelun alusta alkaen tieteelliseen ajatteluun ja tutkivaan kulttuuriin, jotta siitä tulisi luonnollinen osa opiskelijoiden toimintaa. Lisäksi keskeistä on, että opiskelijat oppisivat ymmärtämään tieteen merkityksen opettajan ammatissa sekä hyödyntämään oppimiansa tutkimuskäytäntöjä kasvatukseen ja opetukseen liittyvien ilmiöiden tarkastelussa ja niistä keskustellessa. Toisin sanoen tutkimustyöpaja tavoittelee akateemisen asiantuntijan ideaalityyppiä. Seuraavina opiskeluvuosina toteutettavat tutkimustyöpaja 2 ja 3 rakentuvat ensimmäisen tutkimustyöpajan päälle ja syventävät opiskelijoiden tutkimustaitoja sekä ymmärrystä tutkimustaitojen merkityksestä opettajan ammatissa.


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Full title of the example
„Interlinking theory and practice – example of coherence at the Faculty of Teacher Education in Zagreb“
Horizontal coherence between PK/PCK and practice in the first year of integrated undergraduate and graduate study program Teacher Education: specializations in English or German Language
  1. Provide student teachers with insight into the structure and organization of schools as their future working place
  2. Interlink the theoretical and practical part of the study
  3. Prepare students for further teaching practicums and teaching methodology courses during the study
Short description in English
The given example shows horizontal coherence between theory and practice within the initial teacher education (specializations in English or German Language) at the Faculty of Teacher Education in Zagreb. It explains the interlinkage between the courses School pedagogy and Teaching practicum and emphasizes the role of the course School pedagogy for all further teaching practice and teaching methodology courses within the study program.
Longer description in the target language
Kolegij Školska pedagogija Učiteljskog studija smjer engleski ili njemački jezik održava se u ljetnom semestru prve godine i usko je povezan s kolegijem Stručno-pedagoška praksa koji mu prethodi u zimskom semestru. Temeljni cilj kolegija Stručno-pedagoška praksa na prvoj godini studija je da se studenti upoznaju sa školom kao organizacijom. U skladu s tim za vrijeme stručno-pedagoške prakse studenti, između ostalog, imaju zadatak provesti razgovor s ravneteljem/ravnateljicom škole i djelatnicima u stručnoj službi te se upoznati s njihovim područjem rada. Studenti se isto tako trebaju informirati o načinima na koje škola surađuje s roditeljima i lokalnom zajednicom. Na kolegiju Školska pedagogija tematiziraju se praktična iskustva studenata iz zimskog semestra te se na osnovu toga pojašnjava funkcioniranje škole kao organizacije i zaduženja svih u njoj zaposlenih djelatnika. Kolegij Školska pedagogija također upoznaje studente s načinom funkcioniranja i organizacijom obrazovnog sustava u Republici Hrvatskoj s ciljem da studenti kao budući učitelji razumiju ulogu primarnog obrazovanja u odnosu na ostale obrazovne podsustave. Na taj način ovaj kolegij priprema studente za razumjevanje zadaća u praktičnom dijelu studijskog programa i metodičkih kolegija na višim godinama studija. Svjesnim uspostavljanjem poveznica izeđu kolegija Školska pedagogija i Stručno-pedagoška praksa stvara se koherencija između teorijskog i praktičnog dijela inicijalnog obrazovanja budućih učitelja engleskog ili njemačkog jezika.
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Blog: ConnEcTEd



This project received funding from the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union (Strategic Partnerships, KA 203).

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