The ConnEcTEd projects’ theoretical and empirical results have been disseminated through the project website and various other “channels”.
Joint scientific publication: The ConnEcTEd project team conceptualized, created, and submitted an edited volume on “Coherence in European Teacher Education” (Springer). The volume was successfully published in summer 2024 as Open Education Resource and can be found here. All partners from the project as well as other researchers from the field contributed to the edited volume in various chapters. Moreover, the volume is discussed by Esther Canrinus, a leading research scientist in the field of coherence in teacher education.
Conference participations: Project members disseminated the results from their work carried out in and across the ConnEcTEd project at 13 scientific conferences, e. g. in Croatia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Israel, Northern Ireland, and Sweden. A selection of slides is available on the website of IO4.
Multiplier events: To disseminate project results and to discuss the development within the project also with an audience from the field, multiplier events were carried out in each participating country towards the end of the project. The events targeted colleagues from one’s universities (scientific researchers, staff, and rectorates), but especially educators in teacher education, school administration, schools/teachers and its administration, student teachers, pupils, and people from the educational administration. By doing so, the research on transnational coherence was successfully disseminated and allows for a further usage and possible adoption of the project teams’ ideas and innovations.
The following representative files are provided for download:
- Symposium: ConnEcTEd (Coherence in European Teacher Education) – Von Grenzen und Kohärenzen in der europäischen Fremdsprachenlehrerbildung
The slides represent a summary of some chosen IO1 and IO5/6 work (Mapping results, OERs) and were, together with an overall overview of the ConnEcTEd project, presented at German conference for FLTE, in Freiburg in Sept 2023. - Exploring the coherence of teacher education programmes via a mixed methods approach
The slides represent a summary of the mapping results of “IO1_International Report/Scientific Publication_Preprint” and were presented at the biggest European conference for educational topics, the EARLI conference, in Thessaloniki, in 2023. A short conceptual grounding, an introduction into the methodology in IO1 and an overview of the results including pedagogical implications were given to the audience. - Coherence as a perspective for developing teacher education
Presentations for the conference kasvatustieteenpäivät 24.11.2022 - KOHERENSSI NÄKÖKULMANA OPETTAJANKOULUTUKSEN KEHITTÄMISEEN
Presentations for the conferences Teachers’ professional development conference 17.8.2022
Blog: ConnEcTEd

Coherence in European Teacher Education – Edited volume successfully published
The newly published edited volume on „Coherence in European Teacher Education: Theoretical Models, Empirical Studies, Instructional Approaches“ probably best represents the successful and longstanding collaboration of the ConnEcTEd project consortium. It offers a comprehensive look into the evolving and diverse landscape of teacher education across Europe.

Reisebericht: The ConnEcTEd team presents its work at the EARLI CONFERENCE 2023
The work of the ConnEcTEd team was once again successfully disseminated. At the biennial Earli Conference, resents the largest European conference dealing with the central themes of education, training, teaching and learning, the project team’s results were anticipated and discussed with great interest by the community.

Reisebericht: Tervetuloa helsinkiin – The ConnEcTEd team meets in Helsinki 2023
The ConnEctEd project team met in person again in May 2023, this time in beautiful Helsinki, Finland. The focus of the content work was, among others, the finalization of the work on the theoretical conceptualization of coherence (IO 1), which has been used as the basis for the various other content work and focal points since the beginning of the project.
This project receives funding from the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union (Strategic Partnerships, KA 203).
The contents of this website and the view expressed in the news and publications are the sole responsibility of the authors and under no circumstances can be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.