Reisebericht: Tervetuloa helsinkiin – The ConnEcTEd team meets in Helsinki 2023

The ConnEctEd project team finally had the opportunity to meet in person again in May 2023, this time in beautiful Helsinki, Finland. The focus of the content work was, on the one hand, the finalization of the work on the theoretical conceptualization of coherence (IO 1), which has been used as the basis for the various other content work and focal points since the beginning of the project.

In particular, the results of the national mappings, i. e. the structural and content-related comparison of the various teacher education systems in the partner countries, were presented and discussed. On the other hand, the various open educational resources for foreign language teacher training developed in IO 5 and IO6 were presented and discussed, and plans for their finalization and dissemination were made. Also, with reference to IO 8, the numerous forms of collaborative work implemented since the beginning of the project and the digital toolkit for the conceptual framing of this work were discussed, as well as jointly finalized how this useful framework could be made available to other scientists and teacher educators. As an additional highlight, the joint scientific publication of the project team (planned as an open-access edited volume) was presented, which has been in preparation for nearly a year now and which makes the work of the ConnEcTEd team available to a broad scientific and interested audience.

Despite the intensive work, the visit to Helsinki also included some cultural highlight. A city tour through the capital of Finland, including a visit to the impressive cathedral and the harbor, rounded off the project meeting.

Many thanks to the team from Helsinki for the great three days, the opportunity to work so productively and the many impressions of the country and its people.