Reisebericht: ConnEcTEd in Kiel 2023

The ConnEctEd team is not the only one researching the many interesting facets of coherence in teacher education. At the German IPN (Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education) in Kiel, the team led by Dr. Stefan Sorge is also working on aspects of coherence in an international context (Project DECoSTE,, specifically with the design, development and testing of planning and reflection tools and associated learning modules for prospective teachers.

The tools and modules developed are intended to support prospective teachers in better understanding the principles of coherent teaching in the natural sciences and later implementing them in their lessons.

Leibniz IPN 2023

A ‘Summit on Coherence’ on this topic took place in Kiel in June 2023, to which the ConnEcTed project consortium, in the person of Dr. Katharina Hellmann, was also invited. In two exciting and productive days, the concept of coherence, its implementation in natural sciences and the numerous tools already developed by the various project partners were presented, discussed and disseminated. Katharina Hellmann would like to thank Stefan Sorge and his team for the invitation and the great opportunity to exchange ideas on the topic of coherence!

For more information on the summit, please visit: